Citizen Science Resource Hub
The OTTERS Citizen Science Resource Hub collects together guidelines, training resources, educational materials, factsheets, campaign toolkits and more, which can be utilised when organising and running citizen science campaigns in freshwater and marine settings.
These resources also provide general guidance for citizen science projects, and what needs to be considered from a practical, legal, ethical and training standpoint. The Hub contains resources developed within the OTTERS project, as well as some useful external links.
The Hub is an ongoing resource which we will continue to update as new materials are developed, and we will also develop the functionality of the Hub as time goes on.
Guidelines and tools
OTTERS Workshop: Legal Issues Regarding Citizen Generated Data for The Water Domain
OTTERS Workshop: Ethical Issues & Water Stewardship
Draft whitepapers on the effectiveness of citizen science in the water domain:
- The role of citizen science within WFD and SDGs, and how to incentivize the collaboration with environmental regulators
- Riparian Ecotone Citizen Science
- Citizen Science as a contributor to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation
PREP4BLUE – Engaging Citizens with Mission Ocean and Waters: A toolbox of approaches
European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) – Ten Principles of Citizen Science
This co-creation toolkit enable any interested stakeholders to organise a session and afterward, a campaign that will change hearts and minds by integrating citizen science components that engage citizens, empower younger and older generations to take action to resolve the issue of river and lake pollution.
CS is a collaborative effort where members of the general public voluntarily contribute to scientific research.
This co-creation toolkit enable any interested stakeholders to organise a session and afterward, a campaign that will change people’s Hearts and Minds in terms of water stewardship.
CS can help address different problems and involve various tasks such as data collection, analysis, and reporting, often in collaboration with professional scientists.
This co-creation toolkit enable any interested stakeholders to organise a session and afterward, a campaign that will change people’s Hearts and Minds in terms of clean beaches.
Inventory of citizen science projects
Educational materials
External resources
NUCLIO, Blackrock Castle Observatory: Rubrics for green competences assessment